
시설재배 애호박에서 배지피복과 점착트랩을 이용한 작은뿌리파리의 물리적방제

마경철1, 최덕수1, 고숙주1, 김도익1, 조경철1, 김현우1, 김효충2
Kyung Cheol Ma1, Duck Soo Choi1, Sug Ju Ko1, Do Ik Kim1, Kyung Chul Cho1, Hyun Woo Kim1, Hyo Joong Kim2
Author Information & Copyright
1전남농업기술원 친환경농업연구소
2전남농업기술원 원예연구소
1Environmemt-friendly Agricultural Research Institute, JARES
2Horticuture Research Institute, JARES

ⓒ Copyright 2017, Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, Chonnam National University. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Aug 31, 2015


This study has been made in order to examine the physical control effect against fungus gnat (Bradysia agrestis Sasakawa; Diptera: Sciaridae) by using a yellow sticky trap and material with which substrate was covered in hydroponic squash in Gwangyang, Jeonnam from March to October 2014. With regard to the control method, the substrate was covered with a black and white film, and a part in which a seedling would be planted was cut out. And if a customized yellow sticky trap was inserted so that the substrate in the cut-out part was not exposed after planting the seedling, the invasion of an adult could be prevented, and no larva appeared in the substrate for the whole growing period. It took 8 hours per 10a to cover the substrate and to install the yellow stick trap. On the other hand, in case of not being covered, it took 88 hours to make an effort at chemical control for the growing period. In case of being covered with black and white film, the number of fruits per plant was larger by 7 in comparison with not being covered. The temperature inside rhizosphere was lower by approximately 1℃, and diurnal variation was small. Thus, the temperature was stable. It was possible to apply this method if mulching was performed at the same time in growing in soil as well as hydroponic crops such as paprika, cucumber, and strawberry.