감마선 처리에 의한 정원장미 돌연변이 유기
고갑천1,*, 한태호1,2, 기광연3
Induction of Flower Mutants by Gamma Irradiation in Garden Rose
Gah-Cheon Koh1,*, Tae-Ho Han1,2, Gwang Yeon Gi3
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1Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Chonnam National University
2Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chonnam National University
3Horticultural Research Division, Jeollanam-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services
ⓒ Copyright 2017, Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, Chonnam National University. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the
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medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Published Online: Aug 31, 2015
Garden rose popularity has been increased in Korea. However, the commercial demand has not reached out the development of domestic cultivar, and mainly imported cultivars are dominating the domestic market. In this work, mutant garden rose has been developed by using γ-ray irradiation. Rose ‘Love’ and ‘Rosanna’ cultivars were irradiated till 70Gy of γ-ray irradiation, and mutated into the form of flower color and shape. For three years, mutants for flower color and shape were selected and isolated into individual plantlets. Rose ‘Love’ with red flower color allowed five outstanding mutants focusing on various flower color and petal number. Rose ‘Rosanna’ also produced five excellent mutants with various flower color, shape, size and petal number.
Keywords: breeding; domestic cultivar; flower color; flower shape; mutation