
Genetic variation of sweet corn inbreds on seedling emergence by Fusarium moniliforme infection

Tae-Ho Han 1 , *
Author Information & Copyright
1Institution of Agricultural Science and Technology Chonnam National University Gwangju 500-757 South Korea
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ⓒ Copyright 2017, Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, Chonnam National University. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jun 30, 2014


Infected sweet corn seed may increase the incidence of seedling blight and contribute to systemic infection of plants. Inbreds of field or dent corn also had kernels infected with F. moniliforme. Although F. moniliforme causes a kernel rot, the pathogen is often found in healthy kernels that appear to be physically undamaged. Sweet corn inbreds have been identified that exhibit partial resistance to kernel infection by F. moniliforme and good emergence. The work described a genetically diverse set of sweet corn inbreds for seedling emergence to F. moniliforme infection with either su1, se1 and sh2 endorsperm mutations. There were second resistance mode after F. moniliforme infection, in some cases, F. moniliforme even stimulated the germination.


마름병에 감염된 옥수수 종자는 마름병 발병율을 높이고 재배지에서 감염율을 높이게 된다. 식용 및 사료용 옥수수 계통 종자 역시 F. moniliforme에 감염된 경우가 있다. 일반적으로 F. moniliforme는 종자를 썩게 만들지만, 외면상으로 감염이 확인되지 않아 보이면서 건강하게 보이는 종자들이 종종 발견된다. 식용 단옥수수 계통들 중에서 F. moniliforme에 감염되었으나 저항성을 보이며 충실한 발아력을 가진 경우가 발견되었다. 본 연구에서는 su1, se1, sh2 육종 계통들을 대상으로 인위적으로 F. moniliforme에 감염시키고 발아력을 측정하여 유전적 다양성을 조사하였다. F. moniliforme에 감염 후 저항성 기작을 확인하였으며, 발아를 촉진하는 경우도 발견되었다.